
nature’s most powerful mood booster be naturally happier for no reason the perfect ratio of over 17 herbs to improve mood and memory

get up to 49% off today only

reduce those
“down” days

stabilize your
food naturally

reduce stress,
may reduce anxiety

produce mood-boosting
vitamins, like k and b-12

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(1 x 60 veggie caps bottle)



($53 total)

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(3 x 60 veggie caps bottle)



($132 total)

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(5 x 60 veggie caps bottle)



($175 total)

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free of chemicals
and fillers
All Natural Ingredients
Made In The USA

as seen on:

a breakthrough probiotic formula for elevated mood and optimized mind

Do you feel like you could be happier when you wake up?

Ever suffer from feelings of anxiety or feel “low” but don’t know why?

Would you like to be happier and upbeat “for no reason” and without resorting to guilty pleasures for a temporary fix?

Give CogniBiotics® a try!

It’s loaded with proven strains researchers have found to support upgraded mood, mental health and performance.

CogniBiotics® contains all of the strains you need to positively transform the way you feel including:

reduce those
“down” days
stabilize your
food naturally
reduce stress,
may reduce anxiety


Has been featured on:

how to take cognibiotics for maximum results

The 2,200-Year-Old Secret CogniBiotics® Uses to Further Boost Your Mood and Mind

If it were only the strains you just learned about, CogniBiotics® would already be the most revolutionary probiotic of recent years. But we didn’t stop there.

We worked with one of the top Chinese herbal scientists in the world to help us add the perfect ratio of 8 herbs to boost the mood enhancing power of CogniBiotics to the next level. The synergy is almost magical.

This includes the purest source of something called Chaihu Shugan San (CSS), a traditional Chinese medicine formula that goes back 2,200 years, which has been used to boost energy and mental performance for generations.

These herbs synergize with the probiotic strains and help produce a direct correlation with BDNF —and its ability to impact neurogenesis (brain renewal), both above and below.

CSS is especially effective for chronic unpredictable stress factors and low mood—because it increases hippocampal neurogenesis.

All of this helps you with attention, mood, memory—as well as cognitive stability and function.

Other Probiotics Don’t Transform Your 2nd Brain (Here’s Why...)

Now you might be thinking... all of this sounds awesome, but I already take probiotics or eat probiotic foods.

Of course, there are many other valuable forms of probiotic supplements with powerful strains — including those like L. Plantarum found in P3-OM... or probiotic foods, like cultured vegetables or kombucha.

But the main limitation behind those other products or foods is that they were NOT designed entirely with your second brain in mind.

With CogniBiotics®, we specifically chose strains that had high level research behind them regarding their impact on mental health and performance...

And then we worked with a world-class probiotic grower and formulator to perfect the exact levels and ratios needed to provide a cognitive and mood boost.

The result is a probiotic formula unlike anything that’s ever been created.

Your 2nd Brain Can’t Fix Itself...

And it’s under assault 24/7 from chemicals, foods, toxic light, digital distractions and more...

But you can fix it—starting with CogniBiotics®, the easiest and most effective solution yet created.

You already know the insane value—especially given the massive impact your gut has on your mood... ability to relieve stress... and perform mentally.

This is why we worked so hard, researching the purest, most potent strains PROVEN in real research to enhance mood, mind and more.

And we’ve made it available to you, at the best possible price.

Save and get started with CogniBiotics® using any button on this page.

Your mood, stress, cortisol levels, brain, body fat, immune system and more... will thank you for it.

1 Bottle Of

(1 x 60 veggie caps bottle)



($53 total)

Save 23%


3 Bottle Of

(3 x 60 veggie caps bottle)



($132 total)

Save 37%

+ free shipping (US)


5 Bottle5 Of

(5 x 60 veggie caps bottle)



($175 total)

Save 49%

+ free shipping (US & CA)

all orders are protected

by our 1 year (365 day) full money back guarantee.

If a client is not happy with any BiOptimizers products for any reason anytime between today and 365 days from now, we'll refund the full amount paid and shipping. No questions asked. Our customer happiness team will take complete care of it.

how to become biologically optimized

The ultimate state of

well being and health

BiOptimizers Products Are Trusted WORLDWIDE

Happy Customers

Over 50k+

Countries Sold In


Bottles Delivered

Over 160k+

Satisfaction Rating


We Only Produce Small Batches So Stock Is Limited

BiOptimizers is committed to providing our valued customers with the absolute freshest possible ingredients in our products. We have a VERY high standard we need to uphold in order to continue offering our customers the high standards we have always promised

The cultivation and manufacturing process can take anywhere from 8-12 weeks.

This is because we hold the highest quality standards for our quality and purity testing.

biohackers, doctors, scientists, health and fitness leaders who love bioptimizers

Here At BiOptimizers Our Goal Is Simple

To Provide You With The Resources And Tools You Need To Function At Your Very Best. In Our Own Words, We're Here To Help You Become A "Biologically Optimized Human Being"

— Able To Perform In A Way That Seems Almost Superhuman To The People Around You.

By combining all of the BiOptimizers products at therapeutic levels for extended periods of time you'll optimize your body's biology to its full capacity.

paul chek

founder, chek institute and pps success mastery program

BiOptimizer products are genuinely effective for enhanced digestion, metabolism/energy production, gut health and protection, cleansing, and more. I use them every day myself.

*FTC Legal Disclaimer: The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.

ben greenfield

author, m.a. science and biomechanics, and issn sports nutrition certification

This product is freaking fantastic and our customers love it!. I use them and I recommend them because I’m a big believer in better living through science

*FTC Legal Disclaimer: The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.

Katrine Volynsky

nutritionist & founder of the institute of advanced natural health sciences

I have been using BiOptimizers products for over a decade now. They have been part of my own personal recovery journey from my Chernobyl radiation poisoning. I’ve been using it in my practice with my clients. And I can honestly say these products are magic and can really help you with your digestive issues and other health problems you might be experiencing. With better digestion of nutrients, and assimilation, and helping clear out some of the byproducts of metabolic processes and infections, they can really help you step up your health game to the next level. I highly recommend that you try them.

*FTC Legal Disclaimer: The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.

Ty Bollinger

founder, the truth about cancer

I would never endorse a product I didn't use myself. That seems dishonest to me. With that being said, I take the Masszymes / P3-OM™ "combo" every day and wholeheartedly recommend both products. I've not seen a more potent proteolytic enzyme/probiotic combination. This is definitely one of the missing pieces in the puzzle of overall health and wellness.

*FTC Legal Disclaimer: The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.

Stefan James

serial entrepreneur, bodybuilder, founder of project life mastery

I'm all about optimizing my health -- it's important to me because of my goals in the gym and with business. Taking P3-OM™ just makes sense -- it's got the highest protein digesting activity of anything out there, and proteins are used for everything -- from DNA activity to packing on muscle and boosting my metabolism.

*FTC Legal Disclaimer: The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.

Karine Losier

devoted mother, entrepreneur

I love using P3-OM™ everyday. It helps keep bloating away. It helps keep my tummy flat. And it’s helped me with my digestive problems. My husband and I love it.

*FTC Legal Disclaimer: The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.

Dave Ruel

devoted father, author, serial entrepreneur

I take P3-OM™ everyday. 8 with meals, and 4 with snacks. My digestion has never been better and I've never had this much energy throughout the day

*FTC Legal Disclaimer: The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.

frequently asked questions:

The recommended dose for CogniBiotics® can be found on the label - 2 capsules a day on an empty stomach upon waking.

However, in clinical experience, we have found the effective dose for most people is 2 capsules in the morning, 2 capsules with breakfast, and 2 capsules in the evening.

If you want to start slow, take 2 capsules with breakfast and 2 capsules with dinner.

CogniBiotics® is safe for children. The recommended dose is 1 capsule for every 40 lbs.

Consult your medical practitioner prior to starting any new supplement.

The contents of the capsules can be dissolved in your beverage of choice. Doing so will not improve nor diminish absorption or the health benefits you obtain.

No, because they contain different bacteria strains that serve different purposes. With a synergistic blend of synbiotics (pre+probiotics) and Chinese herbs, Cognibiotics® is engineered to improve mood and brain function through boosting the gut bacteria. Whereas P3OM contains the best researched strain of probiotic to boost your digestion and assimilation of proteins, along with your immune function.

  • Boosts brain health and the health of the gut-brain axis
  • Promotes a balanced stress response and stress resilience
  • Promotes the balance of serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, which is important for happy and calm mood
  • Increases acetylcholine, which is important for memory
  • Reduces toxic neurotransmitter metabolites, which may cause brain fog or anxiety
  • Increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor, which are important for learning, memory, and good mood
  • Protecting neurons against oxidative stress
  • Increasing blood flow to the brain
  • Stimulating the vagus nerve, which promotes relaxation and may reduce inflammation

The CogniBiotics® bottle contains 60 capsules.